THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW is pleased to announce the release of its new issue, Volume 8(2), "Why Citizenship?". You may not be aware that your institution subscribes to this journal, providing you with direct access to these and all past articles. Papers in this issue include (click on links to view full text, and see below for full citations and abstracts):
Audrey Macklin "Who Is the Citizen's Other? Considering the Heft of Citizenship".
Ayelet Shachar "The Worth of Citizenship in an Unequal World".
Linda Bosniak "Being Here: Ethical Territoriality and the Rights of Immigrants".
Yishai Blank "Spheres of Citizenship".
Rainer Bauböck "Why European Citizenship? Normative Approaches to Supranational Union".
Catherine Dauvergne "Citizenship with a Vengeance".
Kim Rubenstein "Advancing Citizenship: The Legal Armory and Its Limits".
Ratna Kapur "The Citizen and the Migrant: Postcolonial Anxieties, Law, and the Politics of Exclusion/Inclusion".
Leti Volpp "The Culture of Citizenship".
Yoav Peled "Citizenship Betrayed: Israel's Emerging Immigration and Citizenship Regime".
Alexandra Dobrowolsky "(In)Security and Citizenship: Security, Im/migration and Shrinking Citizenship Regimes".
Adriana Kemp "Managing Migration, Reprioritizing National Citizenship: Undocumented Migrant Workers' Children and Policy Reforms in Israel".
Ruth Lister "Why Citizenship: Where, When and How Children?".
Guy Mundlak "Industrial Citizenship, Social Citizenship, Corporate Citizenship: I Just Want My Wages".
NEW: TIL Forum section
In order to expand and enrich the scholarly discussion of the topics addressed by TIL beyond the confines of each issue, as of July 2007 TIL accepts unsolicited comments on articles published in the journal. Comments selected for publication will be published on a rolling basis in the online version of TIL, under the heading "Forum," and will be linked to the article on which they comment, where applicable. This new feature will only be available in the journals online version.
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THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW is an English-language biannual law journal published by the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law of the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law ( ). The Journal specializes in the application to legal problems of insights developed in other disciplines, such as moral and political theory, epistemology, social sciences, economics and game theory, probability theory, and cognitive psychology. THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW ranks in the top 5 for citations and impact in Jurisprudence and Legal Theory according to Washington & Lee Law School's Most Cited Legal Periodicals rankings.