Raphael Cohen-Almagor (University of Hull) has posted Reconciling Liberalism and Judaism? Human Rights in Israel (in Jo Carby-Hall (ed.), Essays on Human Rights: A Celebration of the Life of Dr Janusz Kochanowski (Warsaw: Jus et Lex Foundation, 2014), pp. 136-163) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
This essay argues that mixing religion in politics is problematic. It becomes destructive when the religion is unyielding and coercive. Whenever religious powers are on the rise, the foundations of liberal democracy are shaken and its protective mechanisms are regressing. Indeed, in Israel egalitarianism is still in the making. Orthodox Judaism and liberal democracy are in conflict. The rise of one comes at the expense of the other in a situation where religion does not encompass the concept of freedom from religion.
This essay further argues that Palestinians and Israelis are entitled to the same rights and liberties. Accommodations and corrective mechanisms should be devised and implemented in every sphere where Palestinians are not accorded equal status. Israel should strive to safeguard equal rights and liberties for all citizens notwithstanding nationality, religion, race or colour.
Finally, this essay views the occupation with great concern. The occupation with its elaborate coercive mechansisms denies basic human rights from the Palestinians who reside in the West Bank. Israel should aspire to end the occupation, the sooner the better. It should strive to sign a peace treaty with the Palestinians on the basis of a two state solution, Israel and Palestine, living in tranquility and peace one alongside the other.