Alexandra Valeria Huneeus (University of Wisconsin Law School) has posted Can the Inter-American Court Tip Us toward Climate Justice? (Latin American International Law in the Twenty-First Century (Alejandro Chehtman, Alexandra Huneeus and Sergio Puig, eds, Oxford University Press, Forthcoming)) on SSRN. Here is abstract:
This chapter, from the book "Latin American International Law in the Twenty-First Century" begins by explaining the legal opportunity structure of the Inter-American Court in comparison to the three other international courts being called to issue judgments on the climate emergency. The second section highlights the features of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court that will be relevant to the climate docket. The third advances a prescription for the Court as it approaches its climate docket over the coming years. The chapter concludes with reflections on the unique historical role of Latin American human rights law in addressing structural injustice and economic and social rights, and how this can shape its future in the new climactic regime.