Dedipya Tawri (Symbiosis Law School, Noida) has posted Protection of Cultural Property Under International Humanitarian Law on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
The instances of destruction of cultural property are increasing rapidly, especially when countries intentionally aim to destroy the heritage rich area, to show their dominance or looting the resources. Cultural property signifies the history, it is the medium of expression of one tradition. It is not isolated to a specific group of people however it has gained international importance as the crime against cultural property have been recognised by various international conventions and treaties, time and again they frame rules, guidelines to protect the cultural heritage. However, the implementation of such rules is still missing, the major reason of that is implementation of principles in respective states. This paper aims to address these challenges by discussing the practical challenges while implementing the international principles into practice, it also aims to provide suggestions on how the attacks on cultural property can be prevented.